Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The title - Lazy Breakfast

Why?  I had a New Year's resolution this year - It had to do with making breakfast for my family - you know to start the day off right...Also, cold cereal at $4.00 a box was not appealing.  So like any good Mom who is short on time - more on that later - I started making the usual, you know pancakes, scrambled eggs, etc.  Sadly, every day is not as Sponge Bob would say "THE BEST DAY EVER" so as much as I would like I do not, yes Mom's out there, I am admitting I am not the perfect Mom, I do not make hot breakfast every day.  For whatever reason we decided that the days I don't make something hot are called "Lazy Breakfast". 

In a time when we all struggle with trying to be perfect - perfect parent, Mom or Dad, perfect friend, perfect worker...I bring you a respite from your day - It's okay to have Cherrio's for breakfast and make your way out the door...The pressure to succeed whatever that is for you is very real - and me too...So let's make our way through this world together and say - It's okay to not overachieve for one day.

Welcome to my world...Join in...

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